Low Level Laser Therapy (LLLT), is also known as PhotoBioModulation therapy (PBMT).
The technology utilizes superluminous and laser diodes to irradiate diseased or traumatized tissue with photons. These particles of energy are selectively absorbed by the cell membrane and intracellular molecules, resulting in the initiation of a cascade of complex physiological reactions, leading to the restoration of normal cell structure and function.
The process is curative and therefore results in the elimination of symptoms including pain.

In addition, it enhances the body’s immune system response and facilitates natural healing.
Laser Therapy is highly effective in the treatment of musculoskeletal conditions, arthritis, sports injuries, wound healing and a wide range of dermatological conditions.
BioFlex Therapy Systems are currently being used in over 50 countries by a broad spectrum of healthcare professionals including physicians, physiotherapists, chiropractors, naturopaths, dentists, veterinarians, athletic trainers, etc.

It should be noted that Laser Therapy represents the first advance in rehabilitation science since the introduction of ultrasound, interferential current, tens, etc. and is rapidly replacing those modalities.
Moreover, it provides treatment alternatives for patients that have not responded to conventional treatments and can be administered without risk in the treatment of many disease entities.
Generally it obviates the need for pharmaceutical solutions and frequently makes surgical interventions redundant.
The therapy is completely safe and has no adverse side effects.

The physiological effects of LLLT include an increase in:
DNA synthesis
• The protein building block essential to the process of cell regeneration
Collagen production
• increases tensile strength of muscles, tendons and ligaments
ATP (adenosine triphosphate)
• The fuel of the cell required in facilitating cell metabolism
• Morphine like substances produced by the body to reduce the sensation of pain
Modulation of cellular components involved in the healing process
• i.e. Macrophages, fiboblasts, lymphocytes, etc.
Stimulation of:
• Immune response • Lymphatic drainage (reduction in edema) • Angiogenesis – formation of new capillaries and arterioles resulting in improved circulation / tissue oxygenation

How long does a treatment take?
Treatments are typically thirty minutes to one hour in duration being treated.
How many treatments are required?
The number of treatments will depend on the chronicity and the extent of the pathology involved.
Based on the genetic makeup of the cells, an individual’s response to LILT will vary to some degree. A recent clinical review, including 1,000 consecutively treated patients, reveals the average number of treatments to be 9.4.

Are there any side effects ?
Unlike most pharmaceutical solutions and other therapeutic options, laser therapy is non-toxic, non-invasive and in over one million individual treatments, no significant adverse effects have been noted.
There is no other system in the world that is comparable or gets such outstanding results. – Director, Laser Therapeutics of Southern Arizona – Tucson, Arizona
Clinical indications, for Low level Laser Therapy

° Ligament/tendon/muscle tears ° Knee Dysfunction(meniscal/ligamentous tears) ° Fractures
° Carpal Tunnel Syndrome ° Rotator Cuff Injuries ° Epicondylitis
° Tendonitis (supraspinatus/achilles etc.) ° Plantar Fasciitis ° Rheumatoid Arthritis
° Degenerative Osteoarthritis ° Spinal Stenosis/Sciatica ° Disc Herniation ° Myofascitis
° Eczema ° Psoriasis ° Herpes (Post-herpetic Neuralgia) ° Dermatitis
° Neuropathies ° Reflex Sympathetic Dystrophy ° Multiple Sclerosis, ° Parkinson’s disease, Alzheimer’s dementia ° Stroke ° Post Covid syndrome
° Compression ° Trauma ° Atherosclerosis ° Diabetic ° Venous Stasis
° Temporo-mandibular Joint Dysfunction ° Lymphedema ° Gout ° Fibromyalgia